Apostle Islands National Lakeshore

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Politics and a milkman's masterpiece
Picture an old time hitched-horse team and driver, but in this instance the horses are a donkey and elephant and the driver is Uncle Sam....

Jim Godsil: Rainbow Street Party of "100 Names"
With the assistance of wonderful weather, over 400 nurturing relatives and friends arriving during the course of the day, Milwaukee's Jim Godsil celebrated his 70th...
Evelyn Patricia Terry

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Amy E. Arntson
Lake Mills

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about portalwisconsin.org -- portalwisconsin.org is a nonprofit web site created by the partners of the Cultural Coalition of Wisconsin to support the state's culture, arts, humanities and history.

Cultural Coalition of Wisconsin portalwisconsin.org partners
Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters | Wisconsin Arts Board | Wisconsin Historical Society
Wisconsin Humanities Council | Wisconsin Library Association | Wisconsin Public Radio | PBS Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin-Extension--Continuing Education, Outreach & E-Learning