PortalWisconsin.org is...
- a nonprofit Web site created by the Cultural Coalition of Wisconsin to promote the state's culture, arts, humanities and history.
- a free way for Wisconsin cultural groups to reach new audiences.
- a new model of cultural agencies working together to provide a public service to the citizens of Wisconsin.
What you'll find on the site
PortalWisconsin.org includes a statewide events calendar, feature stories, news, virtual tours, streaming video and audio, a gallery of Wisconsin artists, course listings and much more. Visitors can navigate our content through a variety of means, including searches by keyword, subject area and date. Content is updated almost daily.
Project partners
The Cultural Coalition of Wisconsin is made up of eight members:
- Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters
- Wisconsin Arts Board
- Wisconsin Historical Society
- Wisconsin Humanities Council
- Wisconsin Library Association
- Wisconsin Public Radio
- Wisconsin Public Television
- University of Wisconsin-Extension--Outreach & E-Learning
Why PortalWisconsin.org?
Wisconsin's quality of life is intimately linked with its rich resources in the arts and humanities. Wisconsin's cultural opportunities build pride and give expression to our communities.
In a time of sales pitches and information overload, PortalWisconsin.org offers a trusted service, with no agenda but to help visitors find cultural information easily.
PortalWisconsin.org launched Jan. 12, 2002. Major funding was provided by the Future Fund of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Seed money was provided by the University of Wisconsin Extension Cross Divisional Program Innovation Fund. Additional funding was provided by the National Endowment for the Arts.
PortalWisconsin.org offers a model that can be replicated by other public broadcasting stations interested in creating cultural portal sites. Contact staff listed below for information about database architecture, graphics and other assistance available to PBS and NPR stations.
For more informationE-mail us: artsboard@wisconsin.gov
In the Madison area: 608-266-0190