Our annual family concert showcases the world premiere of King Arthur: Lion in the Wilderness by John Hennecken. This new multi-movement narrated children’s piece tells the story of the rise of the young king. By the end, King Arthur will establish Camelot and the Knights of the Round Table.
Date: February 14, 2025
Event Times: 7:00 PM
Ticket Information: $29 Adult, $24 Senior, $19 Student
Additional Contact Information:
Location of this event
UW-Green Bay - Weidner Center for the Performing Arts
2420 Nicolet Dr
Green Bay, WI 54311
Phone: 920-465-2217
Accessibility: If you have a special need, please inform your Ticket Office representative when purchasing tickets. We'd be happy to arrange whatever services you need to make your visit enjoyable. Services include: ASL interpreters, large-print programs, TDD service, sound enhancement, Braille programs, wheelchair accessibility and complimentary valet parking for patrons requiring accessible parking. Call the phone number listed above or toll-free at 1-800-328-TKTS.
Email: tickets@uwgb.edu
Web site:
Description:This 2,021-seat theater features the best of Broadway and big-name entertainers. Since its opening in 1993, it has served as a cultural center for the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay campus and all of northeast Wisconsin.