Holly History and Genealogy Center
321 S Main St
Waupaca, WI 54981
Phone: 715-256-9980
Accessibility: Yes (lower level)
Web site: www.waupacahistoricalsociety.org
Description: The Holly History and Genealogy Center is the headquarters of the Waupaca Historical Society. The building is a former Carnegie library building which now houses a history and genealogy collection. The collection includes historical maps, plat maps, photos, biographical resources, history books, cemetery records, obituaries, marriage records, census records, historical postcards and family files. An early telephone switchboard, a collection of Royal Doulton Toby Mugs, a collection of Waupaca High School photos and yearbooks and miscellaneous special photos and exhibits are also on display in the building.
Admission to the building is free. Hours of operation: Wednesdays and Fridays, 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Other hours will be made by appointment by contacting the Waupaca Area Genealogical Society at WaupacaAreaGenSoc@hotmail.com at least two weeks in advance of visit.