David Brock
medium: painting
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Contact information
Artist resides in: Eau Claire, WI
Email Address: artofbrock@hotmail.com
Web site: www.artofbrock.com
Artist statement
It seems I am always drawn to quiet places, those places where you can sit, relax, take nothing and seemingly everything in, places which are easily overlooked in our busy, day-to-day grind. These are the sites where I am able to recharge, reflect, to begin anew. Recently, I have kept going back to the agricultural landscape dotting the hills of northwestern Wisconsin as the sites of my work. I do not know if it is because of the repetition of large planes of land, broken only here and there by the chaotic input of nature; or whether it is the fact that these are the places that are forgotten, overlooked, thought of as unworthy as aesthetic muses. In either case, it is here that I have found the vocabulary to talk about my relationship with the place where I currently live.
My technique reflects the places I reproduce. By using a vocabulary of repetitive, simple shapes and flat color fields, the clutter of the details becomes less important while still being able to infuse the images with a calm and serenity without losing focus on the forms of the land. Either the sky or the earth dominate the canvases as the colors become scratched, worked, layered in an attempt to reveal the underlying workings of man while still showing the dominance of nature.
2006--MFA, 2D Studies, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio
2005--Studio Arts Center International, Florence, Italy
1998--BA, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado
Recent Exhibitions (*solo and 2-person shows marked with an asterisk):
2008 *Phipps Center for the Arts, Hudson, Wis.
Polderland=Wonderland, Polderland Gallery, Milwaukee, Wis.
Winter Exhibition, Eau Claire Regional Arts Center Gallery (ECRAC), Eau Claire, Wis.
*Art Harvest, The Nines Gallery, Holland, Mich.
Views of the Chippewa Valley, Chippewa Valley Museum, Eau Claire, Wis.
*Place, The Gallery @ the Library, Algona Public Library, Algona, Iowa
ArtsWest 28 (juried), L.E. Phillips Memorial Library, Eau Claire, Wis.
Obsessions, ECRAC Gallery, Eau Claire, Wis.
*Surface Depth, ECRAC Gallery, Eau Claire, Wis.
Arrowhead Biennial (juried), Duluth Art Institute, Duluth, Minn.
Winter Exhibition, ECRAC Gallery, Eau Claire, Wis.
*Line of Sight, The Nines Gallery, Holland, Mich.
*Tales of the Great Black Swamp, MFA Thesis Exhibition, Dorothy Uber Bryan Gallery, BGSU, Bowing Green, Ohio
2005 Editions Limited, The Nines Gallery, Holland, Mich.
20@22, Graduate Show, SACI, Florence, Italy
Numero 7, Dolce Zucchero, Florence, Italy
Florencimiento (juried), Uffizi Center, Florence, Italy
Gallery Representation
The Nines Gallery, Holland, Mich.