Jay Blodgett
medium: painting
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Contact information
Artist resides in: Menomonie, WI
Email Address: blodgettj@my.uwstout.edu
Web site: jayblodgett.tripod.com/index.html
Artist statement
I am interested in mark making. I use different ways of marking marks through an assortment of mediums like pencil, pen, oils, watercolor, acrylics and spray paint. I primarily like to paint but I also draw and create three-dimensional work. My subject matter changes to whatever I feel like. I just like to create art.
I would call my current work a form of expression. The marks that I make I feel create a visual representation of my internal rhythm. Painting does have this bodily-kinetic component to it. When I am painting I am usually listening to music. However, there are times I do not, but then I pick up on something else’s rhythm that is near by if I don’t focus on my own internal rhythm. I do feel like that natural internal rhythm shows up in my work almost unintentionally, but I embrace it.
I am a 23-year-old male. Hometown is Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. I have been painting just under 10 years.