Rick Eyre
medium: photography
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Contact information
1720 Roosevelt Street
Wausau, Wisconsin 54403
Phone Number: 715-842-5892
Email Address: mail4rick@mac.com
Fax number: 715-842-7882
Web site: www.rickeyrephoto.com
Artist statement
After a childhood in Eagle River Wisconsin, I began photographing for the local newspaper while still in High School in suburban Chicago, moving on from there to wedding photography, advertising photography, and finally fine art. I endeavour to find the most beautiful places on earth and photograph them in my own unique style. I realize that the places may be far away and may take complicated logistics to plan, but the images created when everything meshes is always worth the effort. Occasionally my style of photography can require long arduous hours of physical effort or mind numbing boredom, but the images captured make it all worthwhile. I strive to recreate not only the appearance of the place but the mood and feeling of what it was like to be there. Was it cold? Windy? Loud? I strive to create images that link us to feelings and perceptions that people don’t experience in our daily lives. I believe that great fine art prints can transport people to not only the places I photograph, but the sense of having been almost physically taken there.
My work is as varied as my imagination, totally dependant on what I may have been interested in that week. Death Valley, Alaska, Sandhill Cranes, European Gardens. I don’t specialize. I am willing to do whatever it takes to get the image. Logistics mean very little to me once I can visualize what I want. After that, I’ll do whatever it takes.