Brandon Bauer
medium: painting
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Contact information
31 N Royal Avenue
Fond du Lac, WI 54935
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Artist statement
My interdisciplinary artistic practice involves a critical engagement with products of the media, experimental mapping projects, and collaborative work. My work is rooted in the conceptual notions of observation and spectatorship, and realized through contemporary approaches to drawing, as well as employing strategies of collage and montage. My work explores the contextual relationships between the written word, images, and objects, as well as how these relationships create an intertextual and dialogical meaning. I work with mixed media, video and projected work, painting, drawing, and print based mediums on various two dimensional surfaces, with installation and direct drawings in space, as well as combinations of these methods of production. I am interested in ideas above objects, yet I seek both rawness and sensuality in making. My work often explores the tension between multiple and serial production and the unique or handmade. I desire my art to be critical and responsive to the issues of our day.
Brandon Bauer is a multi-disciplinary artist based in Wisconsin. His practice involves the critical use of observation and spectatorship, the exploration of the contextual meaning of images and objects, as well as experimental mapping and collaborative projects. Brandon has exhibited work in many national and international venues. Brandon’s work has been produced in DVD editions, used as illustration for various editorial publications and books, and has been published in poster editions. Brandon has won awards for his collaborative work, published work, and for his video work. Brandon received his BFA in painting from the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design in 1996. Brandon was a 2009-2010 Graduate Student Fellowship recipient for the completion of his Master of Fine Arts in Intermedia from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Brandon is the Assistant Professor of Art in New Media and Photography at St. Norbert College in De Pere, Wisconsin.