Bruce Bodden
medium: painting
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Contact information
1161 Gillingham Rd., Unit A-2
Neenah, WI 54956
Phone Number: 920-725-3306
Email Address:
Web site:
Artist statement
I used to believe that my artwork didn't say anything, that it was just meaningless color and design exercises. But then my boss said to me once, "Art imitates life." I immediately responded with, "Sometimes art imitates what life wants to be." It then began to click in my mind what my art was all about: there were times in my life when I suffered from bouts of extreme depression. My art, however, instead of being drab, blue or melancholy, was full of sunlight and color. There were also times when reality was unclear and I was full of doubt and confusion, or I thought I was misunderstood, but my art was very crisp and clear, with simple forms, shapes and color schemes. Also, for most of my school days, I was painfully shy... but my art was very bold and daring. I believe that art should be a pleasure to look at; it should give the viewer a sense of joy and put a smile on their face, something that seldom came to my face as a youth due to my extreme shyness and the awkwardness I felt. So after some thought, my art was suddenly filled with direction but I didn't have to change my approach at all, but could just let my style evolve, develop and grow.
I received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh in 1994. I had two emphases, drawing and functional design. Was Magna Cum Laude. Winner of the 1990 Wisconsin DNR State Park sticker contest
"Best of Show" award at 1998 Secura Fine Arts Exhibition in Appleton, Wis. Honorable Mention at 1999 and 2000 Secura Fine Arts Exhibition
¿1st Place-Acrylic¿ 2000 and 2001 Winnebagoland Art Fair- Oshkosh, WI
¿2nd Place-2-D¿ 2000 Oshkosh Public Museum art fair
¿Best New Artist¿ 2001 Artarama, Eagle River, WI
¿Best of Show¿ 2001 Oshkosh Public Museum Art Fair
¿Second Place¿ at 2002 Secura Fine Arts Exhibition, Appleton, WI
¿2nd Place-Acrylic¿ 2002 Winnebagoland Art Fair- Oshkosh, WI
¿1st Place-Painting¿ 2002 Green Lake Art Festival
¿2nd Place-Painting¿ 2002 Wo Zha Wa Days, Wisconsin Dells
¿1st Place-Graphics¿ 2003 Spring Green Art Fair, WI
¿Featured Artist¿ for 2003 Madison, WI ¿Art Fair Off The Square¿ ¿1st Place-Two-Dimensional¿2004 Neenah Art Fair,WI