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99 videos
(displaying videos 6 - 10)
Voices of Labor and Social Justice in Wisconsin Bruce Mouser, Professor Emeritus in the Department of History at UW-LaCrosse, and Paul Boyer Professor Emeritus in the Department of History at UW-Madison, appeared at the 2011 Wisconsin Book Festival... Run time: 1 hr. 9 min. |
Diane Ravitch: The Future of Public Education Diane Ravitch's 2010 book, The Death and Life of the Great American School System, has been called a "must read" for education policymakers at all levels of government. A research... Run time: 1 hr. 39 min. |
The U.S. at Home and Abroad in a Post 9/11 World John W. Hall, UW-Madison Ambrose-Hesseltine Professor in U.S. Military History, and UW-Madison professor of political science Jon Pevehouse discuss the American military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and beyond since September... Run time: 1 hr. 22 min. |
Islam and America: Citizenship and Democracy Three panelists reflect on the meaning of citizenship in America: Charles Cohen, UW-Madison professor of history and religious studies and director of the Lubar Institute for the Study of Abrahamic... Run time: 1 hr. 20 min. |
Making Art, Not War Ten years after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, panelists consider how the arts can provide new ways of understanding tragedy: John DeMain, music director of the Madison... Run time: 1 hr. 22 min. |
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